Singing Guide: tick tick...BOOM!

Singing Guide: tick tick...BOOM!

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Jonathan Larson, the creator of the iconic hit musical 'Rent', there are several key elements to keep in mind. Larson's style heavily influenced the sound of musical theatre in the 90s, and his unique vocal technique and songwriting style are still celebrated to this day.

First off, it's important to note that Larson's singing style is heavily grounded in rock and roll. He frequently incorporated belting and raw, emotional singing into his songs to convey the intense emotions of his characters.

One of Larson's signature techniques is infusing his music with a powerful emotional energy. As a result, when you sing his songs, it's important that you tap into those emotions and pull them out through your voice. To do this, it can be helpful to focus on building your breath control and support, which will allow you to sing with more power and intensity.

Another key aspect of Larson's singing style is his use of vibrato. To emulate this, it can be helpful to practice singing with vocal exercises that focus on pitch accuracy and control. The Singing Carrots pitch training game and vocal range test are great tools to help you develop your pitch accuracy and control.

If you're looking to learn specific songs by Larson, start by focusing on some of his most iconic pieces, such as "Seasons of Love" from "Rent" and "Louder than Words" from "Tick, Tick...Boom!". Both of these songs feature Larson's signature vocal style and will provide ample opportunity to work on your belting and emotional expression.

Remember, learning to sing like Jonathan Larson will take time and practice, but with dedication and the right tools, you'll be able to master his unique style and pay tribute to one of musical theatre's most beloved and influential creators. Good luck!

When practicing your singing, it's important to also pay attention to your breathing, vocal range, and posture, all topics that are covered extensively in the Singing Carrots educational singing course. For more information on these topics, be sure to check out the articles and videos linked in the prompt. Best of luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.